Thursday, May 1, 2014

Week 24 Reflections

Week 24

Below are the links and my reflections back to my blog from Week 13 until Week 23

Week 13:
Looking back at my introduction, I was amazed in how much information I learned in just three months about online class and it was free.

Week 14:
This week I learned about the importance of screenshots and images. Images can be provide more information than words especially when dealing with 3D concepts

Week 15:
I loved this week where I learned how to use video and audio. The use of those two can show examples of real things associated with the topic taught. 

Here we used a very powerful tool that can than zoom in and out. Prezi is useful to teach topics that usually are taught through power point in a linear systematic approach. This program is more dynamic.

This page is where we created a survey. My survey was about math. A closed format survey helps you get better information what is expected of the students.

Moodle is interesting but not a program I have used or taught. I would need to go more in depth to know how to teach and use it.

Learning about methodology that has to be incorporated into online classes. I contrasted with how in third world countries people use intuition to teach rather than a method. 

Technology in education is a tool that helps bridge education so that students can reach their potential through technological assistance and information.

Mooc's classes are a great way to obtain knowledge and keep up with the fast pace of changing knowledge. The positive aspect is that it is free and available t 24/7 for people who have access to computers. 

PLN is for adults and a great way to network with other professionals. For high school this may work in a structured setting but can cause distraction from the main topic.

This is my final presentation about Audio video. I had a good time building this project.
I hope you enjoy the information above and will be helpful for you.