Friday, April 11, 2014

Week 22 PLN


It is hard to create a PNL for high school students. It is because a lot of the social media is used to socialize and not necessarily as an educational tool. Giving points for specific assignments that have to do with communicating through the social media would increase the use of the social network yet counter the idea of developing a PLN for personal purposes. The positive side of Developing a PLN is developing the necessary skills in internet use and social network use for college and career.  The teacher would show how to develop one for a course such as Chemistry, where a student would link videos and social connections to other chemistry students and follow chemists on twitter to then have for their future chemistry portafolio.

This is the video reviewing Michaela and my discussion about this weeks topic:

PLN discussion

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Week 21


Examples of the explosion of different methods of teaching online are: well known hybrids (mix of classroom and online teaching) and unknown to me, MOOC (massive open online course).  Coursera is one example of doing MOOCs, Coursera is a social entrepreneur company that provides free online courses from different universities. The video below will give a better understanding of "What is a MOOC?"

The Video uses a simple way to define a MOOC and the difference between a MOOC and a Hybrid course.
When you are doing a MOOC you should incorporate the Pedagogy we use in the classroom. This gives a predetermined structure to the class. It tells us what type of course a student is signing up for.
constructivism, connectivism and behaviorism are all transferrable to the online setting.

How could I take advantage of MOOC in my professional life and how would I use it in my classroom? First, it is a great way to keep up with current knowledge, to keep up with your professional development and to incorporate different instructional tools, while designing my classroom. Using MOCC I could can create my own library/ portfolio with different format: research articles, blogs, videos, lectures, cartoon to match each student learning styles.

As the lead teacher, my role would be to use the MOOC to facilitate the student learning according to his/her learning style. Also, I would have teachers aids with different learning style to help me with students that have the learning stile matching the teachers methodology. At the end, each student should have created his/her own portfolio which he/she can keep using the tools that helps their learning.

The student in the classroom should have created a network of people they can work with and exchange information with. Online classes are a great way to start a networking with people in your area and beyond. Their is no limit to the communication between the people.

The online system would give me the opportunity to offer alternative assessments. For example, my son would use cartoons to learn chemistry concepts and he would make a cartoon to show his knowledge, another student may prefer to give a presentation and another may want to create a test. Processing these tasks would allow them to gain knowledge through the tasks helping them reach their potential.

List of MOOCS courses:

Article about ten uses of MOOCs for high school students: